It's been a very long winter. It's officially spring, but the snow on the ground here in the T dot would tell you otherwise. Much like our awesome spring snow (not) the work on my plate seems to be consistently refilled. I am actually much happier about this than the weather.
I happily completed the super fun ad job- for now. Here's hoping that there is more coming down the pipeline. I had a great time working with the art director on the gig. I was lucky enough to get one more quickie ad job this month. I am just finalizing the contract on one more REALLY fun job- I can't WAIT to tell you about this one- that I'll be able to tell you about in May.
Freelance illustration rocks always and forever!
Much to my sister's relief, I also finished designing, screen printing, cutting, and folding her wedding invitations. The hard work was well worth it. They turned out beautifully. My friend Michelle was kind enough to help me with the cutting and folding. It really hit it home that if I were more willing to accept help that it would move my projects along at a much quicker pace. Something to keep in mind when I start working on sister number two's invites later this summer.
I also sold a couple more tea towels on my
In addition to the super cool illustration job I mentioned above, I'm also making a monkey-rific baby shower invite design and an owl-rific painting for a little baby that's set to arrive pretty soon. My friend, Erin- A.K.A. future mommy- doesn't know what she's having, but I'm going to call it here. It's a boy. If it's a girl I would be very surprised. I'm set for a busy as heck month.
This month is not so much about Ramona. Don't tell her that.
A couple of dear friends, Kate and Derek, are currently in Mexico, days away from becoming husband and wife. Ronaldo and I were not able to make it to the wedding, so instead I'm taking care of their little cat Suki. Though I love Ramona to death always, it's nice to be around a kitty that won't scratch me or hiss at me. She's as cute as can be too.
March is the month of Ronaldo's birth as well as our anniversary. We've been together FIVE YEARS!! Time flies by! I love him more now than ever before. Needless to say we've done a bit of celebrating, especially with the addition of St. Patrick's day in the March mix. I also took a trip to Ikea to get myself a new organization treat- a book case!
A friend of mine showed me this video a few weeks ago and it cracked me up so much that I just HAD to share it. Cat Mario. Live it. Love it. Don't touch the mushrooms.
Peace out 'til April.